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Feeder Cattle Sale

Friday, January 10, 2020
Vintage Sales Stables, Inc.
3451 Lincoln Hwy
East Paradise, PA  

Additional Info:
Consign Cattle
Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
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Vintage Sales Stables, Inc.

Paradise, PA

January 10, 2020 @ 6PM

Cattle will be shipped Wednesday, January 8th.

Consignments accepted through midnight on Monday, January 6th.


VBPA is holding MONTHLY SALES. We need your consignments as early as possible to plan for the lowest trucking prices.  Note the cutoff date for this sale above!

Collection point: CV Expo in Essex Junction. Always the Wednesday before Friday's Sale.

The collection point is where you transfer from your trailer to the sale trailer. Collection points are determined by consignment locations.  The trucks are Pot Bellies (Pots).  Each one can hold between 60 and 90 head or so depending on sizes of animals.  Since the cost to the consignor is directly related to the distance the truck travels with animals on board, each sale has different logistics, based on keeping the cost down for shipping. 

 If there are large enough groups of animals at other locations (large enough to fill or mostly fill a Pot) we schedule additional trucks.  We can't schedule trucking until we know consignments. For now, only Essex Junction is planned.  Departure for any pickup point is always the Wednesday before the sale at about 9am.  Consignors get detailed info when we know it.

You'll be emailed waybill forms between the date consignments are closed and the date of pickup that must accompany your cattle on the shipment.  Be sure to provide an email address and phone number in your consignment so we can reach you!

Your cattle must be marked with large easy to read FARM TAGS so they can be identified by sale staff prior to the sale.  The FARM TAG should be letters (your initials or farm initials) followed by a number such as WC1, WC2 etc.  Without your ear tags, it is possible that your animals will be unidentifiable during the sale and VBPA and the sale barn assume no responsibility for your failure to identify your animals with LARGE EASY TO READ EAR TAGS. 

Note that METAL EAR TAGS are also REQUIRED by VT law for animals living in Vermont for positive identification. The Vermont Agency of Agriculture provides free of charge NUES tags (metal ear tags) and applicators for officially identifying cattle.  These tags may be obtained by contacting Darryl Kuehne at (802) 793-5348 (Southern VT), James Cameron at (802) 279-4962 (Northwest VT), Zachary Bartlett at (802) 371-9949 (Northeast VT), your local veterinarian, or your State Department of Agriculture.

Cattle will be weighed prior to entering the Sale Ring and be auctioned off to the highest bidder. If the cattle are pre-conditioned (i.e. vaccinated, de-wormed, weaned, etc.) the details must be on your waybill and this information will be used by the auctioneer at the sale. It would be in the best interest of the consignor to have pre-conditioning management protocols in place as it typically justifies a premium.

**PLEASE NOTE: If we do NOT get a full truckload, trucking costs may be higher. You are welcome to check with the office to see where things stand. Check by the deadline for best results. Also, if you recruit your friends and neighbors to consign, shipping cocts will be lower.

**ALSO NOTE: Cows, bulls and pregnant cows WILL need to be separated from other smaller cattle. Inform the office if you have any cows, pregnant cows, or bulls. We do not accept Bulls over 500lbs.

The non-refundable consigment fee is $10 per head for VBPA members and $15 per head for non-members. This is to pay for advertising and marketing and VBPA expenses to put on the sale.

At the sale barn, per head fees will be deducted from your proceeds for commission and trucking. A check will be mailed to each consignor directly by the sale barn following the sale.  Be sure you have accurate information in your consignment and waybills.

Call the VBPA office toll free with questions: (844) 321-2333